Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to Remove Ear Wax

For a simple ear wax removal, what's the one word solution? It's not a Q or C. Not Q-tip or cotton swab. These actually push the ear wax further into the canal and cause damage to the ear drum. Cotton swabs more commonly known as Q-tip brand are for cleaning the outer fold of the ear.

The answer? WATER.

The best thing is just to let the water go in your ear (make sure the water is warm, as cold and hot water can cause you to have vertigo), and [then tilt your head to the side] and dump it out," says Brett Levine, MD, an otolaryngologist (an ear, nose and throat specialist aka an ENT). If earwax build-up is an issue for you, Dr. Levine recommends using an over-the-counter earwax remover that, when applied as directed, will help soften the wax so it washes out easier.

If all else fails, visit an ENT specialist.  "Sometimes the wax is just very hard and the drops don’t help make it soft. An ENT doctor can [better] see what he or she is doing [in order to] suction, scoop or grab something that isn't washing out on its own," Dr. Levine says.

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