Monday, November 24, 2008

Free e-card websites

With so many sites that offer FREE e-cards, we started collecting them to add to our blog so you can pick and choose the site and e-card that best suits your needs. Add this as YOUR FAVORITE for easy reference in the future.

If you know of other sites, please share it by clicking on COMMENT at the bottom of this posting and we'll be sure to add it to this posting.

The ASPCA offers these adorable pet e-cards.

ANY OCCASION/THEME offers a limited selection of Free e-cards and registration is a required.

The site also offers "Sponsored Free E-cards" where an advertiser will provide the free e-card at no cost. Naturally, their logo appears at the end of the e-card presentation.


Your favorite all-natural ice cream maker offers a few e-cards to Celebrate, say Thank You, or Congratulations. They also offer one Flash e-card. Click here to view them.

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